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Boost your team's PK by signing into the Spiffy Dashboard 10 minutes/week!

We know that adopting a new tool can come with its hiccups. But we're here to tell you that you can get the most out of Spiffy by signing in for under 10 minutes every week.

That may seem unbelievable, right? The system can't be THAT easy. Well... you better believe it! There are only a few things we suggest doing with every Dashboard visit to get the most out of each login. 

Upon your first time signing in, you'll have to get your whole team invited to the platform. But once those invites have been sent... here are the three things you can do every week in under 10 minutes to maximize your team's training! 🤗

1) Deploy 5-10 modules from our marketplace of content (5 mins)

We say 5-10 modules as this helps the team retain the key takeaways with every module. Being a micro-learning tool, we're trying to move away from the traditional learning method of drinking from the learning firehose up front and move towards building a continuous-on-going culture of learning.

Search our Marketplace of over 1,000 pre-made cannabis education modules and deploy content that aligns with the needs of your store! Upcoming orders, product drops, in-store specials and areas of team weaknesses (terpenes, 101, 2.0 products, etc.) are all available and can be deployed with a few quicks of a button.

For a full overview of deploying content from the marketplace, check out this article!

2) Review your team's engagement (3 minutes)

There are multiple places you can find valuable stats about team engagement for the last 7-14 days. By clicking into these areas, you'll get to see which locations/team members are crushing Spiffy and, also, which ones are maybe, not crushing Spiffy.

a)  The reports tab: located on the left-hand side of the screen at the bottom of the Dashboard menu.

b) The location breakdown: located within the locations tab of the Dashboard menu and accessed by clicking into said location. 

c) The team member breakdown: can be accessed by clicking into a team member within the team member list, location breakdown.

3) Recognize the top performers (2 mins)

Don't be afraid to shout your team's engagement from the rooftops and give the recognition where it's due. We're all about rewarding and recognizing the teams that are crushing their training - draft a quick email to your management letting them know the locations or team members with the highest progress, pass rates and most completions! 

Try circulating a message similar to the one below to boost compliance and competitive nature! Including a screenshot or export of submissions can also help management visualize a leaderboard in their heads.

Hey team, 

Big shout out to Dudley this week, who completed 25 modules in one week! 

The King St East location had the highest progress rate of 92%, meaning they had the highest compliance this week with regards to the modules that were released in the last 7 days. 

Keep up the great work, and please keep an eye out for our upcoming modules (dropping Tues/Thurs). 

That's it! That's all you have to do with every weekly login.

If logging in for 10 mins every week does not seem possible for you, you can also pre-schedule content to go out for a month at a time. By selecting a future start date in the deployment stage, rest assured your modules will go live when the selected date approaches!


Key Takeaways
  • Managing your teams' Spiffy should only take a maximum of 10 minutes per week.
  • Team list, training material and reports are the top three things you should be concerned with for the first few months.
  • Recognizing the team members that are going above and beyond is key in building a competitive culture of L&D at your company.