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The Obvious (& not so obvious) Benefits of E-Learning

Wondering whether e-learning is a good fit? Let's explore some of the top benefits so you can make the best decision for your team.

Remember back in high school when every classroom received the futuristic technology of digital smartboards? They were the hit of the school and a 'new age' form of in-class education. Well, sure enough, e-learning has slowly captured the attention of many new-age workers - especially amidst a global pandemic when in-person learning is not as possible or safe as it once was. 


What is E-Learning?

E-learning is a form of virtual education that occurs on an electronic device of some sort. Whether computer or mobile-based, it is a way for people to learn on the go and on their own timelines. Just because a company has an e-learning platform in place does not mean in-person education becomes obsolete. E-learning can co-exist with in-person education and help improve employee retention, maintain ongoing compliance, and provide a flexible and convenient way for your team to learn!


What are the Benefits of E-Learning?

There are many advantages to e-learning that are relevant for all industries and types of employees. E-learning allows the 'teachers' and 'students' to set their own learning space and select learning periods that fit into their busy schedules. The top 10 benefits of e-learning are listed below:

1. Convenience and Flexibility

2. Affordability

3. Self-paced, Self-driven

4. Measurable Compliance and Reporting

5. Digital Training Administrator 

6. Internal Gamification Possibilities

7. Interactive Internal Community Builder

8. Widespread Communication Tool

9. Accessible Support from Experts at E-Learning Company

10. Aligned with 21st Century Business 

Let's break these 10 advantages down one by one.


1. Convenience and Flexibility
E-Learning allows employers and employees to publish and consume online learning modules at their convenience. Using your cellphone, laptop, or tablet, you and your team can learn at work, home, or on the bus to a friend's.
Employees can engage with content when they are focused and in the zone to retain information. 

2. Affordability
Although e-learning may require training assets to convert to a digital format - these are up-front costs that will pave the way for long-term gains. 
Online training means a few things: no more paying staff to complete training pre-shift, no more travel expenses for in-person sessions, no more paperwork, no more physical trainers. The up-front costs to move training material to an online platform are an investment you'll never look back on. 

3. Self-paced, Self-driven
Chances are - not everyone in your company learns at the same pace. Online learning ensures that the 'fast learners' can consume and process material as quickly as they like. On the flip side, team members that require more time to process information can take their time and retain the key takeaways at their own pace. 
Additionally, self-driven learning allows you to see what staff are motivated to learn, be the best and stay on top of their modules. 

4. Measurable Compliance and Reporting
Access to a database of e-learning completions allows managers to hold their staff accountable for the teachings they consume. Think of online learning as a giant filing cabinet to store your module completions. 
Sally continuously shows up late for work. You can see in the reports that she successfully completed the 'Importance of Arriving On-Time' module, which means you're able to hold her accountable for her multiple late arrivals.  

5. Digital Training Administrator
No more digging through paperwork to find old tests or employee training completions. No more long hours of data management - Everything is stored right on the digital platform. 
Want to look into a specific location - no problem. Want to look at an individual employee - even better. 
With a click of a button, management can access all of their team member's submissions stats through the dashboard. 

6. Internal Gamification Possibilities
Host internal employee contests for fastest or most successful completions, lowest failed attempts, and more! Location-based contests are possible too, where you can do prizes and giveaways for the locations with the top reports. 
All of this is possible thanks to the heavy reporting capabilities e-learning platforms present. 

7. Interactive Internal Community Builder 
This interactive form of education gets people excited to learn more! 
Depending on the capabilities of the e-learning tool you decide to go with, you'll potentially be able to give employee-shout-outs, publish content created/gathered by your team, and host virtual product reviews. 

8. Widespread Communication Tool
Many companies operate across different offices, cities, and countries. Now, more than ever, with remote workers being routine - it is crucial to communicate efficiently and effectively, company-wide.  
E-learning tools offer push notifications, meaning your team will be aware of a communication push seconds after it's released. 

9. Accessible Support from Experts at E-Learning Company
E-learning usually means partnering up with a platform you trust. Here at Spiffy, we have dedicated Customer Success Managers for each of our clients. 
They're here to help you implement e-learning into your current procedures and share industry best practices with you. Consider us as an extension of your team; we are always here to help. 

10. Aligned with 21st Century Business 
According to a recent study published by Amy Watson, Canadians spend approximately 6 hours per day on the internet (Statista, 2020). E-learning caters to this new-age lifestyle and allows employees to train in a comfortable and familiar method. 
These are only some of the benefits associated with e-learning. If you're interested in learning more about what e-learning is, what it would look like for a team of your size, or learn more about what it is we at Spiffy do - check out some of our other articles or send us an email at info@withspiffy.com.