How to reset my Spiffy Password

Resetting your password can be done with the click of a button and five simple steps!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues getting into your account! We're happy to see that you want to get into the app to complete your most recently released training modules and want to help you regain access to your account ASAP.

Follow the steps below to successfully update your password, and please remember you can email us at should you experience any issues during this process. 

Please note

You must already have an existing account on Spiffy to modify your password. If you don't have an account, check out this article to learn how you can make one.

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  1. Open the Spiffy App on your mobile device.
  2. Click on the "Sign In" option on the app's main screen.
  3. Click the "Forgot Password" button at the bottom of the sign-in page 
  4. Confirm the email address used for your account. This will also be the email we use when sending the reset link. 
  5. Visit your email inbox and search for a recent email from The subject will be "Password Recovery," and within the email, you'll find a blue button that reads "Reset Password."

By clicking on this button, you'll be taken to a website where you can modify your password!