Sending 1x1 Invitations Tutorial

Sending invites to your team is a major part of recognizing and rewarding your team for their training. Here's a quick tutorial on how to send 1x1 invites to your team:

  1. After being granted Admin access, log into the Spiffy Dashboard using the same credentials you use to sign in to the app, here:
  2. Toggle to the Team Members section of the Dashboard menu, found on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Click the blue '+Invite Team Member' button at the top of the page. 
  4. Fill in the appropriate details - first name, last name, email address, select the location they work at and their role - then click 'Invite Team Member.'


This employee will then receive an invite to the email that you used in the invite. You can view employees who have yet to accept their invites in the 'Outstanding Invites' section (and resend them from here as well)

Bulk invites are also an option for larger teams - to learn more about this functionality, check out some of the other articles on this topic or send us an email at!