How Does my Team Access Training Content on Spiffy Essentials?

To ensure Spiffy is a tool that's easy to understand, we are going to introduce you to the basic ways content reaches your team members.

Once you have sent invitations to your team and seen them join the team members list on the Spiffy Dashboard, the next thing you'll be looking for is to monitor their engagement. However, in order to review the reports, you'll want to ensure there is content for them to gain access to! 

There are two ways team members can access content:

1) By following brands in the explore page of their app

2) By completing modules deployed by the admin

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1) Access Content by Following Brands in the Explore tab of the app

Once team members accept invites and join your team, they'll gain access to any modules deployed to them from the Dashboard (we'll review this more in #2). 

There is also content available to them through the 'Explore' tab of the app! 

The 'Explore' tab of the app shows all vendors that have material published in the marketplace. Team Members can follow brands they would like to learn about and will receive notifications when the brands release new training modules. 

By following brands they care most about, team members are able to create their own customized learning experience and will receive notifications when the brand releases new content!


2) Access Content by Completing Modules Deployed by Admin

The best way to track team member engagement is by deploying modules from the Spiffy Essentials Dashboard. These completions will be tracked, stored and averaged in the Spiffy Dashboard and is accessible by Admins and Supervisors.

Modules can be deployed to your team through the 'Marketplace' tab of the menu by clicking the green plus sign and selecting 'Launch Now'. After this, you will only have to select a start date, save the default audience (all team members) and it will launch on the date specified.

To review a list of modules deployed to your team please visit the 'Library' tab of the menu and toggle to the 'Vendor Modules' section. You may notice in the vendor modules table, each module lists a state.

The state represents the visibility status of the module:

Live: module is available in-app for the audience you selected
In-development: module requires an audience and start date to go live in-app.
Pending Release: module will be released in-app on the start date you selected.

Key Takeaways

  • If your team members complete modules through following brands in the explore page of the app, their engagement will not be tracked or displayed through the Dashboard
  • The Follow feature was designed to enable team members to create their own customized learning paths; so they can learn about the brands they love in real-time
  • Modules deployed from the Dashboard through the Marketplace tab of the menu will be displayed as 'Live' in the vendor modules section of the Library
  • To gain more insight into how your team is performing, check out this article on Spiffy Essential reports