Once team members have been onboarded and begin engaging with the platform, Admins and Supervisors can access powerful reports to tell you who on your team really knows their stuff!
Depending on what level of access you have to the Spiffy Dashboard, the types of reporting you to have access to may vary. That being said, encouraging your team to complete all their training on the Spiffy app allows you to monitor their completions and track engagement in a virtual filing cabinet ~ SPIFFY REPORTS! 🗄️
Some of the best managers on Spiffy sign into the Dashboard to view their teams' reports for only 2-3 minutes each week.
1) Location-specific reports
You can explore the' Location Breakdown' section by visiting the 'Locations' tab on the menu and clicking on a location. The statistics available through this section include, but are not limited to:
- Location Progress
- Team Member Progress
- Submission Summary Stats
- Visual representation of location averages (submissions, completions, pass rates, scores)
- Weekly engagement charts
This report is best used to view an entire location's team member data at once, with a single glance.
2) Team Member-specific reports
These reports can be accessed in multiple areas of the Dashboard. Firstly, click on a team member's name in the team member list. Secondly, a team member can be selected from that staff list by clicking on a location within the 'Location' tab of the menu.
Either way that you access the data, you'll be granted access to this individual's team member breakdown! Data available within this team member breakdown includes, but is not limited to:
- High-level performance stats (progress percentage, pass rate, average all-time score)
- Time of most recent engagement
- Completion information based on week, month, quarter, year
- Recent submissions + completions (and scores received with each attempt)
- Location and role tag details
This report is best used to review individual team member progress.
3) Module-specific reports
By visiting the 'Library' tab of the menu you will be shown a list of all modules that are deployed to your team. Within the 'Actions' dropdown, by selecting 'View Progress', your module-specific breakdown data includes, but is not limited to:
- Module release information (module details, start date, end date, audience, # days open)
- Module progress
- Module progress by location
- All submission/completion data (by employee and score)
This report is best used to review compliance on a specific topic or assigned module.
4) Additional Reports [Admins only]
This level of reporting is solely offered to the Admins of a company. To access the information, visit the 'Reports' tab of the menu. From there, you'll be able to access each report listed above plus a general Overview report.
These reports are best used to view all company progress at once, in a single glance.
If you find you don't have access to all reports, you may only have Supervisor access. Reach out to your team Admin to learn more!
Key Takeaways
- To access your teams' reports, you must have Admin or Supervisor access and sign into the Dashboard here.
- The overview report allows you to see all-time metrics and date-specific engagement for the entire company
- Location-based reports are best used to view an entire location's team member data at once, with a single glance.