Custom Content Deployment

Here are some best practices for deploying custom content!

Deploying content to your team is a significant piece of educating your team. If your team members are not following brands through the explore page and no one is deploying regular content to them, they will not build a habit of continuous education.

On Spiffy, you can deploy ready-made vendor content from the marketplace. If you are a PRO user, you can deploy custom content (SOPs, communications, and more!). 

Your custom modules will live in the Library tab of your Dashboard so, let us take a closer look at custom content deployment to begin.

Best practices for custom content deployment:

  • We recommend not adding a due date to your modules to ensure that when new employees join your team, they can also experience the same training content as the current employees.
  • If you want to use the due date feature, only use it on time-sensitive content such as ‘new promo this week only’ or ‘reservations this weekend.’
  • We recommend that the content you upload should take your team no longer than 5 minutes to complete. PDFs should be no more than ten (10) pages, and videos should be a maximum of 5 minutes long. 
  • If you have free time, you can schedule custom modules in advance by selecting a future start date. A module deployed for a future date would read ‘pending release' under the status section.
  • If you want to create a module similar to a previous one you have released, save yourself some time and use the ‘Clone Module’ feature. Find the existing module, and in the 'Actions' drop-down menu, select ‘clone module’, and you can edit the duplicate version instead of starting from scratch.
  • If the expected engagement after deploying a module is not up to the mark, you can send a reminder nudge to the employees that have not completed it! By clicking on the actions button for the module, you can select the ‘send completion reminder’ option.

Key Takeaways

  • Every team differs in the number of modules they enjoy engaging with weekly, but we recommend no more than 10 per week.
  • Custom content, such as videos and PDFs, should take no longer than 5 minutes for your team to engage with