What are streams, and how do I use them?

Organizing content has been made easy through the use of the streams function: a grouping of alike modules setup like a carousel.

Untitled design (12)What are streams?

Streams are a grouping of modules within the app. As an Admin, it’s a way to organize your content in user feeds. Without streams, all modules will be in a vertically scrollable list in-app for your employees. A stream is similar to an Instagram carousel where similar modules are in a horizontally scrollable list, indicating that they are somehow related to other modules.

Some streams possess five (5) modules, whereas others may contain 10+. Keep in mind that streams are just a way to organize content in-feed - meaning you will still have to select audiences for every quiz. Depending on the audiences you choose for a module, there is the chance not everybody would receive all modules within one stream. Regardless, no matter how many modules you have in a stream, you can re-arrange the order in which they appear by dragging the modules around in the ‘edit stream’ page. 

Here are some ideas for Streams we’d recommend you build out for your team:

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Internal Weekly Communication
  • Customer Experience
  • New Products
  • Our Menu 
  • Our Brand Story

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How to build a stream

Follow these five (5) simple steps to build a stream of your own:

  1. Visit the streams tab of the menu. 
  2. Click ‘Create new stream.’ 
  3. Name the stream and click ‘Create Stream.’
  4. Select the modules that you want to live in this stream from the ‘Available Modules’ dropdown. Keep in mind, modules can appear in more than one stream, and just because a module lives in a stream DOES NOT MEAN it will deploy to the same audience as the other modules within.
  5. By clicking on the modules in the ‘Reorder Modules’ area, you can drag and drop them in the preferred order you’d like.  

On the Streams page, you can edit a pre-existing Stream. Click on the name, and it will take you to the edit page. To remove a module from a stream, click on the trash can icon (right of their name) in the ‘Reorder Modules’ section of the page. 

Until a Stream has at least one module in it, it will not appear in-app. In addition, we suggest creating a few Streams to get started so that you can select the stream you’d like a module to live in during the final stage of the module build. 

If you’d like to learn more about building a module, please visit this article here. 


Key Takeaways

  • Streams are a way to group similar modules so that they’re scrollable left and right, similar to an Instagram carousel.
  • We recommend using Streams to make the app easier to navigate for your team members
  • Creating and organizing a Stream can be done in 5 simple steps
  • Once created, you can edit modules within by clicking on the Stream name
  • Module Audiences are what determine who receives the content NOT the Stream in which the module lives in