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  3. Understanding the Levels of Dashboard Access

Who can access my Dashboard?

There are two levels of privilege to the Dashboard - here's how to differentiate them and what they both mean.

Our Dashboard has different access levels to ensure your head office, franchisees, location managers can monitor their teams' engagement. This article is to help you differentiate the two access levels and categorize your management into the correct access levels. 

2 Levels of Access

Part 1 - Full Admin Access

The two levels of access are Full Admin Access and Supervisor Access. Full admin is for the key people responsible for Spiffy company-wide. Typically for larger companies, full-admin access is for the Learning & Development department or a Training Coordinator. In smaller organizations, we see full-admin access granted to retail store managers or owners. The full-admin is typically the key person responsible for some of the following tasks: 

  • Building training material
  • deploying new communications
  • inviting new team members to begin training
  • sending out weekly engagement reports
  • shouting out locations that are doing the best, etc.

Sometimes, board members or company owners may want to check on how the team is doing. For this, we would recommend granting them ‘Read-Only Admin’ access so that they have all the same high-level visibility as a full-admin, without the ability to edit any aspects of the Dashboard.

Part 2 - Supervisor Access

Supervisor Access is best for regional managers, location managers, and franchisees! This level of access allows locations to manage their own employee lists and reports. 

The sole difference between Supervisor Access and Admin Access is that supervisors cannot order content from the marketplace, AND they can only deploy their custom quizzes to one location. 

Please see below for a visual of the different levels of access and what they mean: 

access LVLs

Part 3 - Promoting to Admin/Supervisor

To promote someone to having Dashboard access, follow the steps below: 

    1. Visit the ‘Team Members’ tab of the Dashboard
    2. Search for and click into the employee profile for the person that you wish to promote (please note, to grant admin or supervisor access, the employee must have accepted their invitation to join the team)
    3. Scroll down to the bottom of their employee profile and click on the blue ‘promote’ button
    4. Select the level of access they require and click the ‘promote’ button to save

Please note - to grant any access on the Dashboard, your account must have ‘Full Admin’ or ‘Full Organizational’ access. In order to promote someone, they must first be a team member on Spiffy!


Key Takeaways

  • Full admin and Supervisor access differ in privileges
  • Typically, admin’s are those responsible for Spiffy at their company, and supervisors are location managers and franchisees
  • To promote a team member to having admin or supervisor access, they must first be a team member