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  2. Deploying Content to Your Team
  3. Understanding How Content Deployment Works

Deploying Content like a Spiffy PRO

At the end of the day, we truly believe that training shouldn't have to suck! In this article, we'll review how you can ensure your team retains the most information AND enjoys completing their team training on a weekly basis!

Whether you're uploading custom content or utilizing our Marketplace of 500+ pre-made educational modules - the teams that get the most out of Spiffy are the ones that are releasing and completing content consistently every week!

No matter what role you play at your company, nobody enjoys building out a training program that nobody really engages with. 💔 The point of releasing modules is to ensure compliance company-wide AND enhance your teams' ability to sell more products!!

To ensure your team IS completing the content that is available to them, and your efforts in developing a training program for them do not go unrecognized, we suggest establishing a...

😍📆  C O N T E N T    C A L E N D A R  📆😍

What is it? It's a routine schedule of educational content that gets released to your team!

Why should I use one? Well... for more than one reason: 
a. Your team will find learning more enjoyable when it's released in slow doses
b. You will see engagement sky-rocket when your team knows when to expect content
c. Knowledge is easier to retain when it's released slowly
d. The key takeaways are easier to identify

How do I use one? You can pre-schedule content for future start dates!
Let's say you're spending 5 minutes browsing the marketplace and find a couple of modules you would like to deploy to your team... You can click on the 'Schedule Launch' button for each of these modules and schedule them to release on future start dates, on a steady weekly cadence. 

For example...

Fridays / Saturdays / Sundays are relatively busy for us, so I won't deploy content on these days to ensure the team can focus on providing the best in-store experience. 

Wednesdays we receive our inventory, so that day is not the best for deployment either. 

Tuesdays and Thursdays as my release days make the most sense because then I can release modules on the new products that are set to hit the shelf that week AND inform them of any sales scheduled for the upcoming weekend!

Since we're a microlearning app, we do recommend no more than 10 modules per week to ensure your team is absorbing the information and able to speak to the teachings on the floor!

Here are a few sample content calendars we have made: 

  • If Tuesdays and Thursdays seem like the best days for your team to learn...

TR Calendar-1

  • If Monday, Wednesday, and Friday seems like a better schedule for your team...

MWF Calendar-1

To watch a tutorial video on how to pre-schedule content, be sure to visit our 'Quick Hits' area of the Knowledge Centre or, CLICK HERE.

Key Takeaways

  • Releasing content on a regular cadence will increase your teams' engagement, and assist them in remembering the information within the modules thus allowing them to speak with more confidence on the sales floor
  • A content calendar can be easily created by selecting future start dates when launching content (rather than the traditional firehose training method where employees are tossed 20 modules at once) 
  • Weekly release schedules that seem to work best for teams across the Spiffy universe are: Tuesday/Thursday OR Monday/Wednesday/Friday