Establishing a Content Calendar

A content calendar will boost your teams' engagement and assist them in retaining the information within each module!

There are many reasons a content calendar can be useful! If you wish to learn why we advise using a content calendar, please check out this article that covers the what and why of content calendars AND provides samples to assist you in visualizing how they would work.

In this article, we're going to quickly cover how to pre-schedule a week's worth of training material in under 2 minutes!

  1. After being granted Admin access, log into the Spiffy Dashboard using the same credentials you use to sign in to the app, here:
  2. Determine the content you would like to release to the team this week; whether they are modules that you've custom built in the 'Library' tab of the menu or modules downloaded from our extensive 'Marketplace' of content. (or maybe a mix of both) 
  3. When you get to the Launch stage (in the module builder OR in the Marketplace download) please select a FUTURE start date that aligns with your weekly cadence schedule. 
    1. Tuesday/Thursday deployment every week
    2. Monday/Wednesday/Friday deployment every week etc.

4. Select the audience and click 'Launch Module' 🚀

These modules are then scheduled for the upcoming week and will release on the date specified automatically. For a quick tutorial on the steps mentioned above, be sure to check out this demonstration video below (please note there is no sound)