Admins: Get Going on Spiffy Essentials in 3 Steps

Once you've been granted Admin access to the Spiffy Dashboard, follow these three simple steps to get your t eam up and running!

Admin access to the Spiffy Dashboard is granted to retail owners, managers and training coordinators within a company or team. Through the Spiffy Essentials Dashboard, company admins can:

1) Preview & deploy modules from Spiffy's Marketplace

2) Send invites to team members

3) Analyze location and module-specific engagement reports

As long as you've been granted Admin access, you can SIGN IN HERE using the same credentials you use to sign in on the app!

Follow the three steps listed below to get your team up and running on Spiffy Essentials today!

Step 1: Preview & deploy modules from Spiffy's Marketplace 

On the Dashboard, visit the 'Marketplace' tab of the menu to preview and deploy from Spiffy's 850+ pre-made cannabis education modules. Training your team has never been easier! 

Using the Spiffy Marketplace, you can release and pre-schedule training to go out to your team every single week. Check out this 2-minute tutorial we have on deploying content from the Marketplace!

In addition to deploying modules from Marketplace, 2-3 modules are auto-deployed to Spiffy Essential accounts every week to ensure your team is improving their PK every week!

Step 2: Send invites to team members

Once you have a few modules ready to go in your 'Dashboard Library' (whether they're live, or pre-scheduled) you're ready to invite your team!

You can send invites to all team members in less than a minute via email.

Step 3: Analyze location and module-specific engagement reports 

Spiffy offers location and module-based reporting through the below areas of the Dashboard.

---- location breakdown: found by visiting the locations tab of the menu and clicking into a location.

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---- module progress breakdown: found by visiting the library tab of the menu, and clicking 'view progress' from the Actions dropdown menu.

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There you have it - the 3 steps you need to take to onboard your team on Spiffy today!

Some of the best managers in the Spiffy universe are logging into the Dashboard for 3-5 minutes every week to launch a couple of modules and review their team's progress rate. We'd advise you to bookmark the Dashboard sign-in page so you can continue to build a habit of self-education at your store!

If you have any questions about the Essentials version of Spiffy, please email us at


Key Takeaways

  • Sign in to the Dashboard here using the same credentials you use to access the app:
  • Some of the best managers of Spiffy sign in only 5 minutes each week to monitor team engagement and schedule next week's training modules
  • The Team Members tab of the menu can be used to invite your team and review team member engagement
  • We advise deploying 1-2 modules from the Spiffy Marketplace each week (no more than 10)
  • After one week of steady engagement, your 'Location Breakdown' and 'Module Breakdown' reports will flourish!