Vendor Content Deployment

Here are some best practices for deploying vendor modules from the Spiffy marketplace!

Deploying content is a significant piece of educating your team. If your team members are not following brands through the explore page and no one is deploying regular content to them, they will not build a habit of continuous education.

On Spiffy, you can deploy ready-made vendor content from the marketplace. If you are a PRO user, you can deploy custom content (SOPs, communications, and more!). 

Any vendor modules already live to your team will live in the 'Vendor Modules' section of your Library tab. All additional modules, waiting to be ordered, are available to browse in the 'Marketplace' tab of the Dashboard. 

Understanding Vendor Content Deployment

Whether you are a PRO user or not, you can always access the pre-made vendor content that we offer. Although an Admin can deploy this content from their Dashboard, your team members can also engage with this material on their own through our new follow feature. If there are certain brands you want to ensure your teams know about (Flowr, Hexo, Molson, Labatt, etc.), you can ask them to: 

    1. Go to the Explore page of their app. 
    2. Search for said brands and follow.

From then, they will automatically receive any modules released by the brands (yes, it is that easy!). 

If you are an admin and want to push the vendor content to your team yourself, check out this article on deploying content from the marketplace. 

Tips & tricks for vendor content deployment

  • Ensure you’re not overloading your team!!! Yes, there are hundreds of modules ready for your team to engage with, this does not mean we suggest deploying them all at once
  • Every team has different benchmarks for engagement, but we recommend deploying no more than ten (10) modules per week to ensure your team retains as much info as possible.
  • To save time, we recommend launching a module right from within the marketplace rather than adding to your library and schedule from there. 
  • If the expected engagement after deploying a module is not up to the mark, you can send a reminder nudge to the employees that have not completed it! By clicking on the actions button for the module, you can select the ‘send completion reminder’ option.

Key Takeaways

  • You can schedule custom and vendor modules to go out weeks in advance by selecting a future start date.
  • Users can follow the brands they like from within the ‘explore’ page and consume vendor content without requiring any deployment from admins.