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  3. Understanding the Spiffy Dashboard

Introducing the Spiffy Dashboard!

Before you enter the environment known as your Dashboard, please read through this article to get an overview of the menu and the functionality within each tab.

Some of Spiffy’s best admin users are signing in every week to check their team's analytics. To become the best user possible, we encourage you to explore new aspects every day and check our knowledge base when you have questions. We are always here for additional support, but to introduce you to the platform, let us look at the Dashboard menu and what each tab can do for you! For a video walkthrough, please scroll to the bottom of this article.

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Home: The first page you can interact with when you sign in, a page with insights into company engagement

Admins: An overview of team members with admin access

Locations: A list of all your company locations and their breakdowns, as well as where to create new locations

Supervisors: An overview of team members with supervisor access (Supervisors have similar functions as the admins, except they can also make changes to only the location they supervise)

Team Members: Where you can find current employees and review their breakdowns, review outstanding invitations/employees pending approval, and where you will go to perform staff list maintenance (ex. sending additional invites, deleting employees no longer with the company, etc.)

Roles: Create new roles, get a role count, and assign roles to team members for role-specific content deployment

Audience: Where you build custom audiences

Streams: Where you build and organize streams in-app (a module grouping carousel)

Library: Where you build/close modules, review live / in-development modules, edit audiences and state of vendor modules, etc.

Marketplace: The marketplace houses our extensive library of free pre-made modules, ready for your team to consume!

Reports: Access all real-time stats on completions, attempts, employee progress, location progress, and quiz responses.

Let’s dive into each tab in a little more detail:

The Home Tab

    • Company logo attached to your account: Whatever logo is displayed here is the logo that will appear in-app when deploying modules without a cover image. If you ever need to modify the logo attached to your account, please click on the settings wheel in the top right corner and select the ‘Edit Company Info’ option.
    • Create a New Module through the clickable blue button below the company overview
    • Edit metrics on the graph through the use of the drop-down menus

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    • A list of admins and the type of admin access they have
      • Organization Access: Admins with this access level can write/edit/delete across all the Spiffy features
      • Read-only Access: Admins with this access level can only read the data across the dashboard but cannot make any changes

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    • Information on all of your company locations is on this tab. By clicking on a specific location name, you’ll get redirected to a detailed page view of that location.
      • The tables section shows employees and supervisors at the location. 
      • The breakdown section (as seen in Figure 1 below) provides location statistics that are accessible by both admins and supervisors. This data offers location-specific insights such as average score breakdown by employee and submission/engagement levels. It is accessible by both admins and supervisors.
    • Edit location is where you can edit location details (Woah, surprise!) This feature is only accessible by admins.
      • By clicking on the ‘Create New Location’ button, you can add a new location to your company. This feature is only accessible for admins with organization access.
Figure 1: The location breakdown section offers a great deal of team insight

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    • Supervisors have similar functions as the admins, except they can also make changes to only the location they supervise
    • To change the details of an existing supervisor, click on their name from the table and save the modifications. 
      • NOTE: This list is only visible for admins. Admins can grant supervisors access to the team members and modify the locations that the supervisors can access. 

Team Members

    • For admins, this tab offers insights into team members across the entire organization. For supervisors, this tab only shows insights into the team members at the locations they manage. 
    • Admins and supervisors can both invite and delete employees, and they can view employee breakdowns for the employees that appear on their list.
    • By clicking on an employee profile, you will be able to view the employee breakdown section (as seen in Figure 2 below). The section contains insights into their completions and submissions. From their breakdown, you can also modify their role tags and the location they’re associated with. Admins can also promote them to having admin or supervisor access. 

      *Admins with read-only access cannot make changes on this page.

Figure 2: The employee breakdown section offers engagement stats employee by employee.

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    • Create new role tags and receive role counts for each job function within your organization. 
    • By clicking on the location, you can also add/remove the role tag from certain team members in the company.

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Build custom modules by clicking on the ‘Create Module’ button. To learn the five (5) steps required to successfully deploy a module, check out this article!

There are four (4) sections within the library tab

    • Custom modules (built by you)
    • Vendor modules (build by a 3rd party, ready for deployment)
    • Suggested modules (by either supervisors or brands themselves)
    • Closed modules (modules no longer live within the app)
Review the module list within your library and note there are four (4) states for quizzes within the list: 
    • In development: the module is still in the process of being built
    • Pending release: the module start date has yet to come
    • Live: the module is currently live in-app for employees to complete.
    • Closed: the module is not live in-app.
By clicking on the ‘Action’ button in the module row, you can edit, see previous edits made to that module or close an existing module.

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    • Only accessible by company admins - the ability to review completions, submissions, and progress reports for team members, locations, and quizzes.


Key Takeaways

  • Some tabs are only accessible for admins, while others are visible for both admins and supervisors. 
  • The more you utilize the Dashboard, the more comfortable you will become with the platform and the more your team will get out of their training experience with Spiffy.