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This is my first time signing in to the Dashboard... now what?

Set up your account in these 5 simple steps so your team can start brushing up on their PK today!

As a user on Spiffy, we want to ensure you’ve taken the time to set up your account. Continue reading to understand the steps we suggest taking to get your account ready to rock!

Manoeuvring the Dashboard

Welcome to the Dashboard! Consider this the back-end of your employee’s apps. This is where you will build modules, deploy content, and review team reports. On the far left-hand side, you will find a list of words you can select - this list is the Dashboard menu, and we refer to each word in the list as its own ‘tab’ in the menu. 

1. Update your company logo

Your logo represents YOU. It embodies your company, your team, your levels of service, your product, etc. By uploading your logo, you will remind your team members of the in-app of the empire they are helping you build! It will appear on the Dashboard, in-app, and potentially in some of the modules you create.

To upload your logo, sign into the Dashboard. On the homepage, click the square beside your company name in the upper-right-hand corner, select the image in the bottom left and then just drag & drop the logo in, and step 1 is complete! (yes, it’s that easy)

If you need to change your logo, you can easily do so. Click on the image in the top right corner and select ‘Edit Company Logo’ in 'Company Actions'. From here, you will be able to drop your logo into the perforated square in the popout screen.

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2. Upload your location addresses

This is a very important step because your locations and role tags are how we deploy modules to your team! To set up locations, visit the locations tab of the Dashboard. From here, you can

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Select the ‘Create a New Location’ button at the top of the screen and enter the required fields of the mailing address. 

If you need to modify an existing location, you click into the location option and toggle over to the ‘edit location’ option 


3. Create your company role tags

To create company role tags, you must begin to think about how specialized your modules will be. If the majority of your team is cross-trained, you may not require that many role tags. But if your training is specialized for each job function, you will require role tags for each job function to ensure you can differentiate who gets what modules.

You will need 1 role tag to begin sending invites (Team Member is a good place to start), and we would suggest having no more than 10, to make it easy for your team to select the correct ones when signing up!

To set up your role tags, click on the ‘roles’ tab in the menu. From there, select ‘Create New Role’ button at the top of the screen and enter the appropriate details in the pop-up!

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4. Order content from the marketplace

In legacy days, the free modules available for order on Spiffy were available on an external site. We have changed that! Order from our extensive marketplace of content by visiting the ‘marketplace’ tab of the menu.

Browse available modules, filter by product name, or select a brand from the brand filter function! Once you’ve found the module (or ten) that you’d like to deploy to your team, follow the steps below to deploy it to your team:

i) To review whether the content is relevant for your team, click the magnifying glass icon for a module preview

ii) In the pop-up, select a ‘Start Date’ (you can pre-schedule weeks of content too!)

iii) Then select the ‘Audience’ and click 'Launch Module'

iv) OR select 'Add to Library' to schedule later

To learn more about the marketplace and how you can use it best, please refer to this article.

5. Send invitations to your team members!

Spiffy, now only sends email invites to your team members.

To send the invites, we’ll visit the ‘Team Members’ tab of the menu. 

x) Click the ‘invite team member’ button at the top of the page

y) Enter the required details (Name, email, location and role) and click ‘add team member’

z) To send more than one invite at once, select the ‘invite from CSV’ button at the top of the page, download the template and reupload to invite.

Check out this article to learn more about Spiffy’s best practices for inviting your employees!

Once you’ve completed each of these 5 tasks, encourage your team members to accept their invites and begin their training!  In addition to our marketplace of content, Spiffy PRO offers you the ability to upload your own custom content. 

To learn about creating your own custom modules; for company SOPs, weekly newsletter communication, and new inventory lists, check out our article on best practices for creating custom content.